Horn Wiki

Gourd studying Horn.

Gourd is the unwilling Pygon companion of Horn. He was the first Pygon Horn faced and defeated. He occasionally has small humorous conversations with Horn throughout his journey, and serves no real purpose aside from occasional information about Pygon and insights into the world of them. Nothing of his body remains but his head, which is hung from Horn's belt. His hand-mounted crossbow was salvaged by Horn and now wielded by him to kill small flying Pygon and use as a grappling hook.

In Westernesse it is revealed Gourd is actually the Pygon Emperor, and Horn (in his Pygon form) was his Squire. His true name is revealed as Fink. Fink then has his body reconstructed by the Pygon Council and Horn must fight him. After nearly defeating him, he proceeds to fuse his body with those of the Pygon Council and becomes a Golden Pygon Titan, serving as the final boss of the game.
